Change of plans – new destination: Broad Peak

Some time ago, I wrote in my blog that I would try to climb Gasherbrum 2 this year – my first peak over 8000 metres. After some back and forth, we finally changed the mountain we are going to climb. Now it’s going to be Broad Peak. Broad Peak is the 12th highest mountain on earth at 8051 metres. It is also located in the Karakorum mountain range, right between Gasherbrum 2 and K2 in Northern Pakistan at the border to China.

I’m climbing with Mountain Professionals again. The team consists of two Norwegians, myself and our guides: expedition leader Ryan Waters from the US and lead mountain guide Tomas Ceppi from Argentina. In addition we will have local staff who assist us on our expedition.

I will leave to Pakistan on the 10th of June, and the expedition will take seven weeks in total – roughly one week to finalise some details, get climbing permits and drive from Islamabad to North Pakistan where we will start our trek. The hike into base camp, which is located at an altitude of approximately 5000 metres, takes six days. From there we have approximately four weeks to try to climb the mountain, and finally another week to hike out and get back to Islamabad.

More updates coming here soon.

Broad Peak route