First visit to camp 1

Hello again from Broad Peak Base Camp!
We have successfully finished our first visit on the mountain. We got up early at three o’clock two days ago so that we could leave base camp at four in the morning. This way we would have rather hard snow which is easier to climb on, and the risk of rockfall is smaller.
After some rest days at base camp, it was great to finally start climbing. The climb up to camp 1 was mostly on steep snow slopes and a few places where we climbed on rock (which is the most fun part, maybe). The whole route was perfectly prepared with fixed lines by our guides so that we could safely climb even the steeper slopes (45-50 degrees).
It took us about seven hours to reach camp 1 at 5600 metres. Here we stayed for two days and two nights so that our bodies could get the maximum effect out of the stay at a higher altitude.
The descent back to base camp today went much faster. It took us only two hours to get back to “advanced base camp” – a spot at the foot of the mountain which we use for storing some of our climbing gear – and another 45 minutes back to base camp.
On our way down from camp 1 we met another team consisting of two Spanish guys, an American and a Dane. It seems like they won’t be of much help, though, fixing so we either have to wait for other teams to arrive, or our guides will have more hard work ahead of them fixing the route between camp 1 and 2 which still includes some very steep slopes.
Our whole team is now back at base camp relaxing. Everybody is feeling well, and we are looking forward to some rest here and then our next rotation on the mountain, starting hopefully in a couple of days.the remaining part of the route, so we either have to wait for other teams to arrive, or our guides will have more hard work ahead of them fixing the route between camp 1 and 2 which still includes some very steep slopes.
Our whole team is now back at base camp relaxing. Everybody is feeling well, and we are looking forward to some rest here and then our next rotation on the mountain, starting hopefully in a couple of days.