Hello from Broad Peak Base Camp!

After a long hike (six days incl. one rest day) has our team reached Base Camp. We stood up at 5 AM every day in order to avoid the worst heat in the afternoon. There were many other groups on the trail, which are either trekking groups or climbing groups.

Most of the trekking groups hike to Concordia which we passed today. It’s a place where three big glaciers meet and from where you can see several 8000 metre peaks. These groups either trek back the same way or over a different pass (the Gondogoro La).

Most of the climbing groups have K2 as their goal. Some go to Gasherbrum 1/2 Base Camp, while we are so far the only group at Broad Peak. We know there will be a few more coming though.

Base Camp is located on a big glacier, but there are rocks on top, so we are not directly on snow or ice. We have a great dome tent here – with a carpet floor, heater and music. So I believe we’ll have a good time here for the coming weeks. Tomorrow will be a rest day, and I’m looking forward to a late morning in my sleeping bag.